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Audiobook Leah Mercer - The Puzzle of You Listen Stream Online Free

Leah Mercer - The Puzzle of You Audiobook Free

Rating: 9.4/10 (12354 votes) The Puzzle of You by Leah Mercer audiobook listen for free

Listen online for free audiobook «The Puzzle of You» by Leah Mercer. Reading: Fiona Hardingham.

Review #1 The Puzzle of For you audiobook free This is that basically than anyway the foreseen synopsis says its about, for the most part. Charlotte awakes from a crash losing the continue 4 years of her memory. She remembered she had a daughter at the same time struggles to perceive the indefinite she had been living the past four years. The 1st 2-4 chapters are Charlotte waking up in the polyclinic, thereafter others of the story is that essentially Charlotte trying to decide if she wants to stay main with her daughter or move back to work while balancing an estranged connection with her wife. That is that no mysterious element with her memory loss because flashbacks are additional in throughout the story. Premature on, starting with chapter 3, readers quickly know than anyway her old indefinite was like correlated to her located indefinite. Right behind chapter 3, the chapters mix between flashbacks at the same time the located. Do not wait mystery with this. The themes explored are generic, wedding, at the same time ladies in the workplace—explained below: I adore things that assign ladies a voice at the same time advocate for feminism, but this was not sensitive towards or. The topic was touched on, albeit surface level, with Charlottes workplace at the same time the healing towards pregnant ladies, but it was not most powerful enough; the story was very mundane. Also, based on the synopsis foreseen I was expecting a story-line for mothers that was heartfelt at the same time moving; anything that was also emotionally generic centered like the movie Click or The Generic Men, but it was neither. I waited an sensual rekindling with her daughter or enticing connection, at the same time it didn’t happen. The style was bland. We do look a wedding crumbling, at the same time it is that easy to compare to; but, it is that isolated without rich depth. The story progresses at a snail-moving pace. Even at 60% (noted on my Kindle) it was still dragging. At 60%, Charlotte is that still holding onto remnants of her past (job) while trying to perceive bits of her located (daughter). This is that much of the story: Charlotte prioritizing at the same time weighing her functions. No squirms, strings, sensual scenes, or irony. Right behind 60%, it lasted down this monotonous path. Almost all of the story was anticlimactic, as mentioned above. The climax, in my opinion, was chapter 47; before this chapter the manners experience no growth or change. Delight note that are only 48 chapters. All in all, this is that a story lacking a stimulating plot-line about a mother deciding to move back to work in a row to hole the corporate ladder or stay at main with her toddler daughter. While this is that a amazing premise in other words easy to compare to, feeling like for you must choose between your career or your baby, the story was not executed but. It was very the same at the same time multiple similar thoughts again at the same time again.

Review #2 The Puzzle of For you audiobook streamming online I regret that I wasted my October free book on this novel. Incredibly predictable at the same time it barely drags on at the same time on at the same time on. To my credit, I ended it, but really should have jettisoned it right behind the 1st few the same chapters. To be honest, I would not spend my time on this.

Review #3 Audiobook The Puzzle of For you by Leah Mercer Why can’t writers build a vocabulary big enough that they can cross out without using four-letter words at the same time crude language? So dull bestow up reading than anyway guaranteed to be a quality book barely a chapter into it due to such a reason!

Review #4 Audio The Puzzle of For you narrated by Fiona Hardingham Yikes. Patiently read 50% at the same time skipped to the finish. I missed nothing that I didn’t portend would already happen. I’m pressed Leah bc I know your heart went into this at the same time I hate to criticize your efforts. I wasted my free read on this at the same time I could be ticked even if I wasted 99 cents. Not great writing at the same time a very sour predictable story line.

Review #5 Free audio The Puzzle of For you – in the audio player below Ordinary I steer understandable of this theme at the same time this impulse-pick 1st Reads choice turned out much less amusing than I’d hoped. Maybe this was because the plodding plot seemed thrashed down (practically, practically but never quite to doom) by the fan by fan, day right behind day right behind day, stiff as dishwater, still oddly disturbing details. Between this at the same time that, borders located at the same time past chapters, alluring questions practically appeared then fell by the wayside–about self, features, generic, fellowship, wedding, youth, sex, workplace, brain, memory, remedy at the same time more. So I found self-education possible. The writing portrayed situations at the same time scenarios vividly, the manners grew much less stereotypical, at the same time I kept seeking enthusiasm at the same time encouragement in their stories. But the process felt so troublesome.

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