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Amanda Jennings - The Storm Audiobook Free

Rating: 9.4/10 (12856 votes) The Storm by Amanda Jennings audiobook listen for free

Listen online for free audiobook «The Storm» by Amanda Jennings. Reading: Dalya Raphael.

Review #1 The Attack audiobook free The Attack, Amanda Jennings

Review from Jeannie Zelos book

Reviews Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Brand new Adult I’m not really convinced why this is that listed as Brand new Adult, everyone in it is that but past that apart from for Hannah’s offspring ?? What, I was expecting to adore this, it sounded very alluring. I liked it, a lot but didn’t adore it. Its one of those I’m glad I’ve read but defeated’t recount. I didn’t really like no matter what of the manners, apart from for impoverished Alex, he was the innocent victim in everything. Nathan is that obsessed with Hannah right from the start at the same time manipulates his method into her indefinite. He’s got funds at the same time uses it to neatly attract her in, not in an obvious method, but in more subtle ones once he susses that she’s not impressed by wealth. Her lover Cam though….he’s numb competition. Cam’s a fisherman, to Nathan its no contest but obviously Hannah is that in adore at the same time for her Nathan is that barely a quality comrade. Then and anything happens that configurations everything. Nathan goes from being a little of a stalker to a total keep under control freak. As actions unfold I can actually look where his issues lie down at the same time they trunk from method back in his indefinite, to youth at the same time I did feel even the tiniest bit pressed for him. He knows method more than he admits, at the same time than anyway seems like languid handed OTT keep under control is that his attempt to finish Hannah his adore, his indefinite from leaving. It produced a hard indefinite for her but she puts up with it for preconditions of her possess. Then that’s Cam who I hated at first, for leaving when she needed him, but obviously as actions unfold it wasn’t that regular. I had guessed at no one, though not many, no one parts came as total izumi. I felt so dull for no one of the manners, indefinite in a fishing fleet is that aggressive, cruel at the same time doom or indefinite changing injuries never far away. Its a traditional story in a method of Teen ( imagined) Invincibility meets True Indefinite, at the same time managed to sadness all round. Alex was caught in a trap not of his making, Hannah was in a situation she felt she had only herself to blame, Cam did than anyway felt right at the time even though he got lost everything, at the same time Nathan, but Nathan thinks he has the lady he loves but its only by controlling every bit of her indefinite that he has her….A really dull group of manners, at the same time even the ending holds a hint of more to come. Hit: Four. A amazing read but not a re-reader for me. ARC secured by Netgalley at the same time publisher

Review #2 The Attack audiobook streamming online This, in my opinion, is that Amanda Jennings best book to date. I’d implied on savouring it – Ms Jennings is that the good of writer who warrants this reverence – only out of the blue events meant I was able to read it over two days. At the same time than anyway a read! The worldly is that taut & intelligently rendered with not a single word wasted; the manners believable & brilliantly various. The Attack is that a healthy, chilling, compelling & ultimately terrifying expos of the nature of coercive keep under control in a wedding. Hannah does as she’s knew because the other is that very ominous. At the same time if, for one 2nd, the reader imagines it isn’t, or that Hannah has choices, then s/he has still to tenacious the nature of how arrogant, narcissistic, controlling ruthlessness in a connection can play out. This book is that an authentic portrayal of such a wedding. With a deadly hidden at its heart, the actions of one night change the line of motion of Hannah’s indefinite for a long time. The choice produced, she finds herself isolated with Nathan, a man who will finish at nothing to ensure his indefinite carries on specifically the method he wants it to. The hit accolades fall down on this book like confetti & quite right very. I add mine: this is that a excellent book for what that are not enough hit. Not enough confetti.

Review #3 Audiobook The Attack by Amanda Jennings Im a gigantic fan of Amanda Jennings writing, at the same time I was so shocked to completely get round to reading her new novel, The Attack. This is that a black, character-driven novel which will keep for you turning the pages. We meet Hannah at the same time Nathan, who on the outside, have a seemingly flawless connection. They also have a teenage offspring. Nathan is that wealthy at the same time successful, at the same time he strings heads wherever they move. But why is that that such a tense atmosphere when they are at main? Why does he seem to have so much keep under control over his wife? I wanted to know the answers to these questions as I was reading at the same time than anyway was really going on in their connection. The tension grows as the novel progresses. That are flashback scenes back to when Hannah at the same time Nathan 1st meet in Cornwall, in 1998. Its in these scenes when Amanda Jennings begins to open than anyway happened premature on in their connection. As the novel achieves its conclusion, it makes for very tense reading. Amanda Jennings took us to Cornwall in her continue novel, The Cliff Internal, at the same time I adore the method how she brings the setting to indefinite. I managed really picture the sea in my mind as I was reading the flashback scenes. As options often do in books, the sea practically becomes a disposition itself. I believed Hannah at the same time Nathans connection was very alluring, at the same time I wanted to know than anyway was going on underneath the surface. Than anyway was really keeping Hannah that, when it is that understandable that she isnt joyful? I was rooting for her to be released of the connection. But I also kept thinking that if she produced a unexpected move, then anything scary would happen to her. The tension builds at the same time builds as we begin to realize more about than anyway is that going on. The opens that come are shaking, at the same time I believed the method how Amanda Jennings weaved them into the story, was done really but. I adored how Amanda Jennings evenly revealed than anyway had happened in the past. The Attack is that a highly engaging read, at the same time Amanda Jennings writing drew me in very quickly. I couldnt shackles it down. I cant wait to read than anyway Amanda Jennings writes one more.

Review #4 Audio The Attack narrated by Dalya Raphael Frazer Blaxland Still one more book outlined as a gripping at the same time chilling thriller, which it isn’t. Manners practically undeveloped at the same time the writing barely doesn’t do it for me. Far very abundance chapters centred on sour fishing trips which additional nothing to the story. Simply served to fill pages. Lots of books around on the theme of coercive spouses at the same time submissive spouses. This wasn’t one if the more successful ones. Needed more disposition development at the same time much less bulking out of the story with unnecessary, lengthy narrative about the perils of sea fishing.

Review #5 Free audio The Attack – in the audio player below I adored every minute of this book – with repeated layers to see The Attack took me on a mental journey exploring the difference between adore at the same time keep under control. Seriously advise!

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