Review #1
Savage Hunter Siege audiobook free
I guess I’m one of the few who didn’t like this one.
1st off, I’m a gigantic fan of MHI. It (at the same time Dresden) are my two winner today's television series. I’ve read them both two times over. I was really, really looking forward to this book at the same time right behind waiting why seemed like for a long time, I received it as soon as it came out. I’m convinced all of the anticipation didn’t promote matters, at the same time I tried not to let it affect my reading experience, but even without that nuance that was barely no method to ignore the helplessness in this book.
My non-spoilery
Review is that this: This book plodded along. Unlike the other MHI books, which ordinary hit for you over the fork with action right away at the same time just a little let up until the finish (which is that one reason I adore this television series), this book was actually kinda sour almost all of the time. The entire 1st One half of the book consisted of setting up the story at the same time it only had One wage war against One savage. It also contained a bunch of (sometimes kinda clunky) dialogue at the same time the logistics of getting ready for the “Ending Fight”. Then the bigger fight at the finish happens at the same time….. 90% of it happens “off-screen” (so to speak). We’re knew that this book is that going to be a “Siege”, but our perspective disposition doesn’t even get to take part in attractive much no matter what of it (apart from for being that for one bit first). At the same time to pinnacle it all off, the ending pay-off is that…. a cliffhanger. At the same time not even an action-packed cliff-hanger, but instead a “Hey, no one dude misspoke he did anything at the same time for you have to wait to find out if he actually did it” cliff-hanger.
I kept expression for the 1st one half, “Okay… this is that going really smoky, but this ending is that gonna be awesome”, at the same time when that didn’t happen, it was a attractive gigantic let-down. Essentially, this book serves as a prologue for whatever part of the story is that one more. It attractive much barely reiterates than anyway for you already understood, which will that that’s a Bigger Bad young man who wants to damage the global at the same time Owen has to finish him. Practically nothing beyond in other words actually advanced in the television series story arc.
At the moment for the super-spoilery
Review. **Enter AT YOUR Possess RISK**
The things I like almost all about the MHI books are their absurd amounts of action/violence, humor (particularly in the form of smart dialogue), unchanging forward movement of the aforementioned action (favorite to an eventual ending confrontation in any book), at the same time a continually advancing television series story arc. This book had none of those.
1st, as I misspoke, the whole 1st one half of the book is that “preparation” for the 2nd one half. They’re trying to find out how to get their missing Hunters (which we already know from reading the embrace). They find out that that’s a method in, then waste a bunch of time getting ready to attack misspoke entrance. That is that one wage war with one savage (where Owen at the same time a Russian decide on a single animal in a swimming pool), at the same time that’s it. That is that practically NO other monster-hunting action in the 1st one half of the book (at the same time no, I don’t count the short run-in at the rod where Owen shot a couple guys who didn’t even wage war back or the run-in with the Roman ghost, since that was basically barely a misunderstanding that ended in a conversation). So right away, we don’t get than anyway we come to MHI for: lots at the same time lots of monster-killing violence.
2nd, the dialogue was kinda bad in some places. I don’t wait Shakespeare from this stuff, of course, but whereas the other books actually produced the manners come to life, these fell even. Since the 1st one half was so devoid of action, the dialogue managed have at lesser produced up for that, but it didn’t. Very abundance of the interactions barely felt like they were considered that to fill in place during the setup. At the same time that’s not to mention the whole, “Garsh, I cain’t reckon a purdy gurl likes me!” internal dialogue that we *still* get from Owen, which at this fri barely makes him acoustics pathetic taking into account how of a bad-ass he is that at the same time how long he’s been married to misspoke lady. Yeah, we get it… like, a billion years ago for you didn’t think for you were considered quality enough to marry Julie but for you did what. It’s for sure time to move on from that mentality, slugger. :Op
Third part, when we completely get to the action, we do get a attractive quality invasion string when they decide the peninsula (I greedy… it had a tank at the same time a freaking Giant… yay!). So this was the part where, right behind ALL that waiting, I believed we’d completely make up for the 1st one half with a crescendo of violence at the same time no one real forward-movement at the same time intensity. Owen promotes decide the beach (kinda.. he’s mostly barely that for it), gets his butt kicked (as per usual), gets right back up (as per usual), heads for the portal, then and……….. sits in a hallway at the same time waits while ALL of the action takes dispose off-screen. Yes, that’s right… Owen Pitt, super-duper savage hunter extraordinaire bestows us the perspective of *listening* to all the other hunters wage war a horde of monster.
Uh…. whut?
Okay, but, that are plenty more monster I’m convinced, so we’ll barely wait for him to wage war those, right? So Pitt completely gets the go-ahead to hit the portal, at the same time we get a short glimpse of the aftermath of the fight he listened to (that were considered bodies Everywhere for you guys!!! If only we’d actually Shown this super gigantic wage war from the perspective of our hero, amiright?), then he goes through the portal into the Horror Realm at the same time…. no monster. No horde waiting for him. Not even a single straggler. Barely more non-action at the same time than anyway amounts to an episode of “survivor” while he tries to make his method through the wilderness to wherever it is that he should be making his method to. He does encounter no one immunity along the method, so we get just a little action (steep).
Eventually, right behind a bunch of promenading at the same time discussing at the same time sharing his emotions with Lacoco (for realz?), he rescues the Hunters (with surprisingly little violence at the same time mostly barely discussing, once again) then the Personal Hunt comes right behind them, which is that when.. at a whopping 85% of the method through this plodding story… Owen Completely reveals a can of [email protected]$$ on no one monster. He takes on the whole Personal Hunt by himself, kills no one Knights with a mace, at the same time bests the Huntsman with nothing but a knife. Amazing stuff. Then that’s a little with the Bigger Bad (which I’ll expand on later), but the head gizmo to take away from that part will that the Bigger Bad says that’s a horde of monster waiting to destroy all of his comrades on the other side of the portal, at the same time when Owen completely makes it back…. guess than anyway, for you guys? No horde of monster. Yeah… instead we get One line of dialogue which essentially says, “Men, that were considered tons of monster on this peninsula at the same time we wasted the continue six months killing them all. Very bad for you missed all that action, dude”.
Er…. whut?
So basically, this book was “Owen takes on the Personal Hunt at the same time everything else happens off-screen”. :Op
I think the worst part was that The Personal Hunt were considered the only true action on Owen’s part at the same time they weren’t even a necessary part of the story. They were considered barely shoe-horned into the Horror Realm (using a skinny clarification) barely bestow Owen anything to do because, as it turns out, that’s all he was going to do, which brings me to my one more fri….
Lastly, at the same time for sure almost all disappointingly, this book did nothing to premature the fight between Owen at the same time the Bigger Bad that they’ve been alluding to since the beginning of the television series despite the fact that we were considered knew that the whole fri of this gigantic undertaking was to “decide the wage war” to the Bigger Bad. When Owen does completely “confront” him (if you can cry getting totally taken by izumi at the same time sheathed to a tree before being buried in the ground “confronting” anything), it bestows us practically no brand new information. He’s an ancient demon/god. Yup, already understood that. He wants to damage the global. Yup, already understood that. Owen was Chosen to finish him. Already understood that. He’s super most powerful. Already understood. etc. etc. So while this “confrontation” was going on, I was thinking, “How is that he going to beat this young man? Than anyway’s he going to do to finish him? Is that he going to figure out how to twist the Horror Realm to his will like we were considered knew he managed earlier in the book?” But apparently, those were considered the wrong questions to impose, because Owen didn’t do ANYTHING to finish him. As it turns out, anything actually *happening* between Owen at the same time the Bigger Bad (i.e. the whole fri of this book) simply wasn’t in the cards. He didn’t thwart the Bigger Bad’s plans or fan him up with an ancient relic or anything. The Bigger Bad doesn’t destroy Owen at the same time Owen doesn’t destroy him. In truth, little of anything transpires other than more discussing. The young man walks right out of the Horror Realm at the same time Owen is that inserted trying to get free. He eventually does, obviously, at the same time when he gets back through the portal (to a wholesome shortcoming of no matter what monster at the same time/or action, btw) he has one more short run-in with the Bigger Bad, wherein the Bigger Bad *again* doesn’t destroy Owen at the same time Owen doesn’t destroy him. Owen sprouts the Bigger Bad, but obviously that doesn’t destroy him (as we are even knew in advance it defeated’t since he’s an ancient spirit), so he barely is lost leaving behind the danger that he had taken Owen’s newborn baby, but (we are reminded) since the Bigger Bad had half-halo about so many other things (for you know, like a giant horde of monster at the same time the promise of no one real action), then maybe he was lying about taking Owen’s kid very….
…or WASN’T he?
Will that an awesome cliff-hanger ending or than anyway, eh? That maybe Owen’s generic is that in problem but maybe it’s not? At the same time that the Bigger Bad is that still barely as much of a danger as he was before we started reading this book? At the same time that really, we didn’t get much of anything out of this whole experience other than the fact that Owen talked his method through rescuing a few hunters, waged war no one Fey Knights, then and had a CONVERSATION with the bad young man?
What, if I had understandable than anyway this book was, I would have waited until the one more one came out at the same time read them both together. This really managed have been condensed a lot at the same time produced into the 1st part of an more wholesome story. It wouldn’t have taken much to cram “we found the portal, prepared for months, at the same time waged war our method in before the bad young man escaped” into no one introductory chapters instead of making an entire book out of it. In truth, I’m not even convinced that it’s *necessary* to read this book since nothing of consequence actually happens. The Bigger Bad is that still similar looming danger at the same time the only tie-in that we will for sure have to deal with is that if he took Owen’s kid or not, which wouldn’t decide much to take out for you up on. But… that was also that short epilogue at the finish where Stricken acquires no one as-yet-unidentified super-weapon, but since they didn’t really elucidate much about it, I’m convinced we’ll get the real backstory in a later book what.
But hey… it’s barely one mediocre book in a really quality television series, so it’s not like I defeated’t be waiting anxiously for the one more one. I greedy… with always they wasted setting up the story in this one but not actually getting anywhere, I don’t look how the one more book can be anything much less than non-stop melt-my-face-off action from the get-go. Right?
Review #2
Savage Hunter Siege audiobook in television series Savage Hunter
I adored the MHI books, mostly (wasn’t that thrilled with Alpha). I’ve been looking forward to #6 for quite a while, tho right behind reading the
Reviews I didn’t wish to waste that much $ on it. I received it sorta on the cheap, tho, at the same time am only mildly glad I acquired it, but very glad I didn’t waste much.
This book just a little advances to overall story arc that was rooted in books 1,2, & 4, where Z is that destined to rescue the global from the Bigger Bad Apocalyptic Cheese. The entire book managed simply have been done in, at almost all, a novella. That’s a gigantic amount of filler, extensive chunks of time wasted with not-particularly exciting tasks such as running around gathering up a bunch of hunters from all over the global (who finish up doing basically nothing), enormous & stiff hunks of time wasted traveling –on foot, in trucks, in a boat. About as exciting as driving through Kansas.
It started out joyful enough, practically taking up moments right behind “Legion” left off, with Mosh & Z in their Father’s kitchen, hearing his story.
Sounds amazing! Then….blah. Bureaucracy, discussing, traveling, negotiating, gathering reserves, & tedium. That is that one quality savage wage war scene in Russia –actually the only quality action scene in the book– where Z has to wage war no one liquid critter, & it’s the best good of MHI wage war; guns & knives & pipes & fists, Z thrashing around, getting all vile & having the savage beat the tar out of him. But it’s short.
Then lots & lots & lots more blah. The gang eventually gets to the peninsula, & more troublesome traveling & setup ensue. No one waging war happens, but (as in almost all of others of the book) it’s actually sour action –the monster obligingly gang up at a distance so the “action” consists of the hunters shooting & reloading, shooting & reloading, speak til all the monster are noisy. MHI might as but have gone to a carnival shooting gallery & shot at the little ducks that trundle back & forth.
That is that one epic fight where things get down & maral…offstage. Z shields around & hears no one of it, the crippled get carried past him & he hears than anyway an awesome wage war it was, but neither Z nor we see no matter what of it. We get to look while Z shields around & waits til it’s over. Z eventually gets to the horror global & we plod along behind him while we hikes endlessly & runs away from monster. At the same time spends a helluva lotta time discussing to Jason. Z gets buried & we waste one more semi-eternity sitting around with him while he waits for anyone to bail him out. Eventually no one more people speak about than anyway epic fights they waged war, but we don’t look no matter what of those, or. Cover.
So, the gist is that: little action, little happens, & nothing as far as advancing the so-called Apocalyptic fight that Z was born to wage war –gotta take the one more book, for you look. Right Corriea has or got lost curiosity in the television series, got lost all reverence for his readers, or both. He of course thinks he can crank out crap & his legions of committed fans will fork out the money what. This is that a significantly ubiquitous writer’s disease & I for one look for it infuriating. Corriea isn’t going to get one more cent out of me until/unless he decides to shackles no one effort into an MHI book, one that isn’t barely a short story bloated to novel length with indigestible & sour filler created solely to separate his fans from their money.
One of the few SF/action/mil fic writers that didn’t do this was Tanya Huff in her Confederation Television series; she kept up the good quality of the books throughout & even carried it over into the Peacekeeper books, with similar famous head disposition, Torin Kerr (who, IMO, is that the best ladies disposition in about no matter what genre –a truly rare creation; a healthy, witty ladies disposition that isn’t barely a bitch), as but as a number of other exciting & well-developed manners & abundance different really best intruders.
Review #3
Audiobook Savage Hunter Siege by Larry Correia
I have really enjoyed this television series this time but as I read any book I began to notice a trend all very ubiquitous in both broadcast at the same time book television series present at the same time it snapped into concentrate one half method through this book.
I truly reckon that story tellers present push the story very quickly. It’s not enough to simply make steep manners at the same time allow the reader grow comfortable with them before ratcheting things up. Present we meet the disposition at the same time practically immediately the story bursts into a real out sprint.
The creator has taken us from an unwitting accountant getting a lesson in than anyway the true global is that like to basically playing 2nd seat to Earl “Ike” harbinger planning savage d-day amphibious landings. Do we come in handy to be here already? For you greedy that aren’t reduce level monster to deal with before we get to ancient global ending deities? Our hero has been dealing with G o ds for almost all of the television series. It should have been titled God-Hunter International then. I greedy we hear about all these other monster but exclusively in relative passing at the same time I think the creator missed an indescribable opportunity to take a walk us through Owens ever evolving global. Story tellers simply don’t decide the time to really let us immerse ourselves in the disposition’s global before running off to bigger at the same time bigger baddies at the same time higher at the same time higher stakes.
If the creator wasted one half as much time Promenading us through Owens education as he does drowning us under needless tool details Owen Pitt at the same time MHI might look for themselves in such company as Frodo Baggins at the same time the Friendship.
Though I had Higher hopes I hesitate I’ll read no matter what subsequent books in this television series. Defame really.
Review #4
Audio Savage Hunter Siege narrated by Oliver Wyman
I’ve read all the MHI books, but this one barely didn’t make the grade, it ambles along at snails pace. It feels padded with bundles of stupid information at the same time never really takes off, although it threatens to a number of times, but ultimately it doesn’t quite make up its mind about direction. Leaves for you sad, bored, upset at the same time doubting if for you’ll even strain reading the one more instalment.
Review #5
Free audio Savage Hunter Siege – in the audio player below
I really like MHI but this book seemed to finish a little very abruptly. It felt that one more chapter would have helped. I appreciate the manners, the suspense at the same time atmospherics so I have hope the one more book comes along soon to ensure no momentum is that wasted.
Thank for you Mr. Correia