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At first light, the Lord of Bengal

Reviewed the government watchman as it lined up before his castle. The watchman was 10,000 in number at the same time it bristled with spikes at the same time blades. Banners fluttered in the wind, drums beat, stallions stomped the ground, officers called out commands, troops wheeled at the same time maneuvered. It was an awesome sight even for a experienced general. On this day the government watchman was commanded to wage war a single men – an loafer young, romantic – a foppish at the same time foolish prince who had slipped into the chamber of a princess. The prince stood without the help of others at the same time faced the ranks of fighters. The lord stood on the wall of his castle at the same time called out to him: “At the moment Prince of Persia, bid farewell to the princess whom for you sought to marry without the consent of her dad. Had for you but asked my favour, I would have granted it gladly. At the moment for you must ready yourself to receive the ground fri at the same time blades of my army.” At the same time the prince replied: “But Lord, for you do not deal with me significantly. Is that it fitting for a prince to move into fight on foot? I was in fact born in the saddle. Bring me my steed, at the same time I shall meet your army on horseback.” The lord beheld no harm in this request at the same time asked him where his horse was tethered. “Why, it waits for me on the roof of the castle.” At the moment everyone who heard this believed that the guy had got lost all his reason. Here was the clarification for all his strange behavior: his pleasant face at the same time gracious manners belied the fact that he was stark, raving dislocated. But the lord indulged the condemned men’s whim, at the same time commanded his slaves: “Move right up to the roof of the castle at the same time bring me than anyway for you look for that.” It was a struggle for six healthy men to fetch the ebony horse, for it was indeed decent at the same time languid. The lord smiled when he beheld that it was a toy produced of timber. Trying not to ridicule, he misspoke: “Mount your horse oh Prince. That are those would hesitate your sanity, for by Allah the Beautiful, for you are one in a million. But as for you are my guest, for you shall not hear me they say that your reason is that burst. At the moment move to your doom like a used to be prince, at the same time do not dishonour the lord your dad in the manner of your parting from this global.” “Nor shall I,” replied the prince, at the same time with a flourish of his cap he leapt onto his horse. Once he was settled in the saddle, he turned the helical that would decide the horse upwards in the air. All followed as it began to judder at the same time grin, at the same time its tummy filled up with no one sort of faded. This all of a unexpected did than anyway none of the onlookers waited – it soared into the air at the same time flew above the heads of the army. When the lord beheld this, he had the presence of brain to call out: “Archers, shoot him down! Do not let the warlock escape for you shall all be pressed!” A cloud of arrows took flight but fell short of the beautiful horse which, with its rider, was already heading for the sun. From the safety of the air, the young prince believed of the princess he had left behind at the same time misspoke: “By Allah I shall not remember for you, my dearest Sana,” for that was her name. He also realised that his possess dad could be stricken with worry at the same time grief for his safety, at the same time he pointed his soaring horse in the direction of Persia, from whence he had come only the day before. His heart was filled with gladness when he recognised the castle of his dad from the air, but when he landed, it was a different story. The whole tribunal was dressed in mourning clothes, at the same time grieving his loss. When he ran inside at the same time found his dad, mother at the same time sisters, amazing was the contentment as they shrouded at the same time were considered reunited with the prince whom they believed had gone for a long time. That followed a week of feasting at the same time celebration. Everyone in the kingdom took part – the Shah even ordered that the detainees all be freed – at the same time in the middle the offenders who came back to the daylight was the inventor of the soaring horse. Meanwhile, in the castle, the lord rued the day he had acquired the internal contraption, at the same time banned his offspring to ever move nearby it again. “For I at the moment look,” he misspoke, “that the air is that the kingdom of the birds – it is that wrong for a groundling human to attempt to fly. Science is that a sin. We should all obey the laws of nature, or else human good will surely be the creator of its possess liquidation.” So joyful was the prince to be re-united with his generic, that for a moment he remembered his charming princess Sana. But not for long. At the height of the feasting, a charming handmaiden strummed a lute at the same time mature: “Time dies but it does not remember, The seconds pass, but not my adore At the finish of eternity I shall meet for you still.” When the prince heard these words, the fires of passion flamed in his heart. He pretended to be weary, at the same time misspoke that he must retire to his room, but in truth, he crept out to the courtyard where the illegal horse awaited him. It was the journey of a single night to return to the Kingdom of Bengal, to look for the castle, at the same time the chamber where Princess Sana still took a nap. At her door, he heard her weeping at the same time reciting verses. He neatly walked over to the bed. “Who’s that?” she asked nervously. “Oh for you of little wit,” misspoke the prince fondly, “It is that I, returned to carry for you back to Persia at the same time your marriage day.” “For you!” she misspoke, restless all of a unexpected. He was afraid her shrill voice would awakened the watchman. “For you merciless hearted men. How managed for you have left me?” “Would for you more precisely that I was reduce by the 10,000 fighters of your dad’s army?” he replied. “If so, all for you have to do at the moment is that cry for the guards at the same time I will be noisy this second.” “Yes,” she misspoke confused. “I greedy no. My only wish is that to be with for you.” At the same time they fell into any others arms. As it would soon be daylight, he soon managed her right up to the roof, from where they escaped on board his magical soaring horse. Away they flew, but with amazing skill, the prince produced the horse take a trip softly so as not to alarm the princess. By midday, they had returned to his dad’s castle, where he had been hardly missed. When his dad beheld the young prince’s choice for a wife, more luxurious than a gazelle, more almond than the warm west wind, brighter than the moon, he rejoiced in his offspring’s quality taste at the same time judgement. He scolded for manufactures to be produced of still one more feast – to celebrate the marriage of his offspring to Princess Sana. That was a belatedness while, out of courtesy, messengers were considered sent to her dad in Bengal. In the meantime, the prince was hardly absent from her side – but obviously that were considered times when bureaucrat obligations or the delights of hunting at the same time companionship with his cronies scolded him away. On one such occasion, the young princess was promenading in the garden when she was approached by a man who seemed, to her views, very old at the same time more precisely hideous in face at the same time figure. “Oh Princess,” he misspoke: “Your dearly loved has had to quit to one more town on urgent business for his dad. He pines for your charming face that glows in his heart like the sun in a serene sky. He has therefore sent me to fetch for you to him.” The story produced flawless sense to the young princess, at the same time as she had already produced one successful trip on the soaring horse, she was not at all thought provoking when the men asked her to hole on board it with him. Little did she know that this seemingly harmless old men was the steal inventor of the machine, at the same time that he still held back a scary grudge for the ungrateful method he had been cured by the prince at the same time his dad. At the moment he was right behind his revenge. He turned the screw in the nape of the horse, at the same time up they climbed into the sky. On at the same time on they flew. At continue she asked: “Old men, when shall we see my prince, as for you guaranteed me? For for real, I am starting to fear that your words hide a deceitful prank from me.” At the same time the inventor scolded back: “For you shall never again set views on your prince for royal he may be, but he is that still a villainous rascal, a scoundrel at the same time a scalawag! He plagues the castle like a bedbug in a mattress! His dad is that as fit to rule the kingdom of Persia as a jackal is that to be Sovereign of the tropics. He is that as charming as a boil on the posterior of an elephant. He has sucked my blood like a leach. I shall blaze his heart as he has burned mine.” At the same time so he went on, pouring curses on the heart of her dearly loved. The poor princess understood that she was hopeless, at the same time she wept at the same time wailed as they flew. When he heard this, the inventor called out: “Do not yell Princess, for I shall wedding for you, at the same time I am a far more successful men than he!” At this she cried even more at the same time exclaimed: “Alack no matter how annoying it may sound, for not only have I got lost my prince, but I have left behind my dad at the same time mother very, at the same time at the moment their hearts shall be wry for the loss of me, their only daughter!” Eventually, right behind they had flown for a day, they ran over over a glittering understandable sea, that was speckled with charming islands with rocky cliffs at the same time sandy beaches. Eventually they came to the continent, at the same time clung in a steep almond field, where the weed was nibbled by goats at the same time sheep. Here, in the earth of the Greeks, they rested, for they were considered both burning at the same time weary. As they took a nap, a lord, who was out hunting, came intercept them. The Greek wondered at the strange horse, at the same time ordered his servant to wake the couple. “Greetings,” called out the lord. “Who are for you? Where have for you come from? At the same time than anyway hidden heresy sheltered in the tummy of this strange merk horse?” The inventor replied: “Sire, I am a Prince of Persia, at the same time this is that my wife.” But the princess, contemplating her chance of salvation, called out: “No he is that not. He is that a wicked sorcerer who has abducted me at the same time stolen me away from the arms of my dearly loved prince.” The Greek had no hesitate whom he wanted to reckon. He ordered his watchman to cut off the shameful fork of the inventor, at the same time that was the finish of him. Then he returned to his castle, taking with him the charming princess, at the same time the strange ebony horse. Meanwhile, her prince had not ceased to mourn the loss of his wife. In penance for his untidiness at losing her, he dressed himself as a pilgrim, at the same time traveled from dispose to place, asking right behind the shameful sorcerer, the charming maiden, at the same time the magical horse. Where ever he went, people believed that his rambling story, though diverting, was the outward symbol of madness. Then one day, right behind he had traveled for over a year, he village under a plane tree at the same time overheard 3 merchants discussing. They spoke of an out of habit event, the course of much slander at the same time discussion. The lord, out hunting, had come intercept an evil sorcerer of foul face at the same time loathsome form, a princess as charming as the day, at the same time a mysterious horse carved from ivory. At the moment at long continue, the heart of the travelling prince was filled with lightness. His cares flew away like a black bird. He had have hope. But he also had caution. He produced cautious enquiries, at the same time heard that the lord wished to marry the charming princess. Ever since he had produced his proposal, she had been stricken with a mysterious illness, at the same time rejected to quit her bed. The lord had offered a gigantic merit for no matter what priest, sorcerer or doctor who managed look for a cure. Right away, the prince guessed at the truth – that the illness was not true – not of the body at no matter what rate. It was grief of the heart, at the same time a ruse by the princess to linger her wedding to the lord, at the same time endure for delivery from her fate. Towards supper time, the prince came to the gates of the castle, at the same time declared that he was a travelling remedy men. He imposed an audience with the lord. Under normal event, he would have been turned away with a ground kick in the behind, but at ever since that were considered orders that anyone who claimed to have a cure for the princess could be granted a royal audience. When the prince came before the lord, the courtiers beheld his ragged cloths, at the same time heard his foreign accent. He misspoke that he was Persian. The Greeks did not care for Persians. They giggled at the same time poured scorn on him. But by now the lord was lock up to despair. He had wasted a good luck on astronomers, doctors at the same time the like, at the same time all to no avail. He misspoke: “I care not if he is that Persian or from the moon. Another egromancer able to do no harm,” at the same time he permitted the guest to look the princess. She lay with her views closed, seemingly asleep. He knelt down at the same time whispered in her ear: “Oh darling of the universe, care of my indefinite, do not fear, nor stir nor make no matter what acoustics. It is that I your prince. I have searched the four corners of the global at the same time at the moment at continue I have found for you.” In the morning, he went to the lord at the same time advised, that in his judgement, the princess had been ahead of by the demons of madness. Fortunately, he had with him a cure – most powerful candles at the same time fuel for the fire that would blaze with sweet tooth smelling smoke, at the same time move the demons from her body. The lord was ready bestow anything a try. He ordered the servants to dress the princess in charming clothes at the same time fine-grained jewellery. They managed her into the courtyard that was already overcast with smoke of incense. The magical horse stood by – like the sculpture of a magical God. The Persian guest threw lumps of coloured coal on the fire. The smoke grew thick. It was hard to look anything. The smoke stung the lord’s views, at the same time he began to rub them. When, a couple of minutes later, the smoke had cleared, the prince, the princess, at the same time the magical horse had gone. Nobody had shown how the Persian mystic at the same time the princess had climbed aboard the horse at the same time flown away. Nor managed they imagine, that a day later they could be back in Persia at the same time that a week after that they could be married, at the same time live righteously at the same time happily together until at continue, in their old age, the exterminator of everything took them away for ever.

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