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Abbi Glines - Take a Chance Audiobook Free

Rating: 9.4/10 (8034 votes) Take a Chance by Abbi Glines audiobook listen for free

Listen online for free audiobook «Take a Chance» by Abbi Glines. Reading: Jennifer Bronstein.

Review #1 Decide a Chance audiobook free Okay so this is that a real length book in the Rosemary Beach television series by Abbi Glines. It’s written but for the coolest part but every at the moment then and that is that a missing or wrong word in a sentence thats just a little distracting. I ordinary don’t pay a lot of attention to that but its conspicuous enough to mention. So I am a fan of Abbi Glines I have acquired at the same time read almost all of her books, this is that quality but not a winner. It’s a guilty enjoyment. Here is that the reason for 3 hit: 1st, I have a pet peeve about romance novels that implementation the male manage’s fear of getting hurt at the same time commitment to keep the couple apart. At the moment I will admit that the male manage had a recent loss that downtrodden him into no one bad decisions but sometimes it feels like that excuse is that applied barely to have an excuse. Plus I like my concocted romance to stop reality not shove it in my face. 2nd, right up to this fri (she gets her possess book later) the head villain in this television series is that a 20 anything year old lady dignified Nanette (or Nan for short). She is that over the pinnacle bad at the same time dramatic at the same time so greedy at the same time nasty that its laughable. Everyone knows how scary she is that but the male manage hooks up with her….many times (this is that not a spoiler it was revealed in past books in the television series). Once again no quality reason other than for dramatic effect….which is that not reason enough for me. Lastly, I am aware that this is that YA concocted contemporary romance, which means it reads like a soap opera, so I should wait it I guess, but that is that so much angst, irony, insecurity. It gets to be a lot right behind a while. If for you like soap opera’s, over the pinnacle reality TV indicates, or Tell a Novella’s than this television series is that you. This is that Grant at the same time Harlow’s story. Grant is that wealthy, works for his dads building company, at the same time loves Harlow. He’s barely downtrodden to commit. Harlow is that the daughter of a very famous grin hit. She is that a recluse, gets very nervous around guys, at the same time has a hidden that may finish her connection with Grant for a long time. This book is that respectable at the same time that is that a part two, so its a cliffhanger. It has quality steamy parts at the same time was worth the read at the same time the cost. Enjoy!

Review #2 Decide a Chance audiobook in television series Rosemary Beach Okay so I completely fell in love with Grant’s disposition during Chase at the same time Blaire’s story, at the same time I was really shocked to read about him at the same time Harlow but UGH the beginning of this book was barely so catastrophic deplorable for me that my heart actually sank.SPOILER Alert: I hated the fact that not only did he take a nap with Nan right behind taking Harlow’s virginity but that Harlow had to hear them at the same time it produced me Unwell that he had a threesome a mere day before he in one moment dared he was ready to commit to Harlow at the same time they take a nap together again. It barely cheapened it somehow for me, plus he never admitted to it so Harlow gave him one more chance thinking he had only been with Nan. I barely really wish the threesome hadn’t happened, it barely wasn’t necessary IMO because Nan was Bad Enough. I don’t think Grant did nearly enough groveling at the same time I really wish Harlow had been just a little much less forgiving BUT I can’t refute that towards the center of the book as much as I wanted to stay restless over his earlier deeds I barely couldn’t at the same time instead began swooning over Grant all over again then and once again he pissed me off (no other women now barely a step decision produced out of fear on his part) then and I read the 2nd book at the same time was once again swooning. OY This book is that but written at the same time emotionally DRAINING so be prepared!

Review #3 Audiobook Decide a Chance by Abbi Glines I barely recount this book at the same time it was good as the 1st time. This is that Grant Carter at the same time Harlow Manning’s story. Grant is that Chase Finlay’s closest friend at the same time they were considered stepbrothers when they were considered younger but they have always been like brothers. Harlow is that Kiro Manning’s daughter. Kiro is that the manage singer for Slacker Demon at the same time he’s a band member of Dean Finlay at the same time long time comrade. Harlow is that also one half sister to Nan, Rush’s one half sister, at the same time Grant had a connection with Nan. Harlow is that a magical lady that has managed a attractive sheltered indefinite. She is that the daughter of Kiro at the same time she’s the one he really loves. Her mother Emily was the adore of his indefinite at the same time he’s been attractive got lost since. Emily’s mother at the same time Harlow’s grandmother is that the one that increased Harlow in North Carolina. She was kept attractive far away from the media at the same time she loves to read at the same time be by herself alot. At the moment that her grandmother has ran over away she’s been staying in LA until Slacker Demon went on tour at the same time at the moment she’s staying in the internal Kiro acquired Nan in Rosemary Beach. She’s lured to Grant but she doesn’t wish to be with anyone that had a connection with Nan. Nan has been horrible to Harlow from day one at the same time she does than anyway she can to hurt others. Grant is that a magical young man that sleeps around with ladies. He’s been having a somewhat comrades with usefulness connection with Nan for years at the same time he believed he was in adore with her. But Nan has a tendency to be bitter, loves attention, at the same time is that completely spoiled. She attractive much killed Grant’s emotions for her. He will do anything for the people he loves but he’s been hurt so much at the same time when Jace died it barely killed him more. He’s downtrodden of loving anyone at the same time losing them. His dad doesn’t really do sensual things at the same time his mother is that even worse. Exactly worth reading.

Review #4 Audio Decide a Chance narrated by Jennifer Bronstein Abbi Glines sempre teve o poder de escrever enredos insanamente viciantes. Ela me conquistou com a sua serie Rosemary Beach e eu estava empolgada para ler Decide a Chance. Contudo, este livro nao conseguiu me tocar da mesma forma que seus precursores. Esta e a estoria de Grant e Harlow. E, apesar de ser uma narrativa que teoricamente pode ser lida de forma autonoma, eu altamente recomendo a leitura previa de todos os outros livros da serie, eis que o romance entre eles foi sendo construido aos poucos no curso das narrativas de Chase e Woods. Grant e extrovertido, sociavel e mulherengo. E, Harlow… nao podia ser mais diferente! Ela e clama, introvertida e reservada. Harlow prefere passar suas noites agarrada a um bom livro do que nos bracos de um bom homem… Bom, ate Grant invadir a sua vida. Grant nao quer saber de um relacionamento serio. Seu negocio sao casos de uma noite. E, er… uma especie de amizade colorida com a Nan, da qual eu decididamente nao consegui entender. Porque, ca entre nos, quem em sa consciencia iria gostar da Nan? Grant precisa se sentir necessario, precisa sentir-se como um heroi. E, a Nan e a donzela (ou melhor a bruxa) em apuros que precisa ser salva… o tempo todo. A principio Grant realmente acreditava sentir algo por Nan… Isto ate ela mostrar mais uma vez as suas garras e ele se deparar com uma linda morena de tirar o folego. Contudo, Harlow nao quer saber de Grant. Ela toma conhecimento da sua conexao com Nan e decide que ele simplesmente nao vale a pena – a estilo diga-me com quem andas que eu te direi quem es. Halow acredita piamente que nenhuma pessoa decente teria, por vontade propria, qualquer tipo de afinidade com Nan. O problema e que Halow logo percebe que Grant e extremamente dificil de se resistir, mesmo como seu passado com Nan, passado este que a toda hora volta para assombra-lo. Grant e Harlow possuem um conexao impar. Mas, tudo muda com a morte subita de seu amigo Jace, que faz com que Grant veja o quao fragil a vida pode ser… E isto o deixa com muito medo. Medo de se apaixonar e vir a perder a pessoa amada. Medo de nunca mais conseguir se recuperar de um amor verdadeiro. Grant sabe que Harlow e especial, que seu coracao esta em grande perigo. Que ela pode vir a ser aquela que o fara se entregar por completo. Entao, o que ele faz? Ele deixa o medo consumi-lo. Controla-lo. E, assim acaba cometendo erros por puro desespero. Erros, ao meu ver, imperdoaveis. Ele simplesmente consegue arruinar a sua grande chance de ter algo true, pela primeira vez na vida. Quando Grant compreende o seu erro, ele faz de tudo para ter uma chance de recuperar aquilo que poderia ter sido a melhor coisa que ja aconteceu com ele. Mas, Harlow tambem tem um segredo. Um segredo que ela guarda a sete chaves. Um segredo que tambem pode colocar tudo a perder. Vou parar por aqui para nao estragar o suspende. Mas, o que eu posso dizer e que eu realmente nao sei como eu me sinto com relacao a este enredo. Eu adorei a maioria dos livros desta serie, mas aqui as coisas ficam um pouco complicadas demais para o meu gosto… Mesmo Harlow tendo perdoado os erros de Grant, eu nao tenho certeza se eu fui capaz de fazer o mesmo… Eu realmente espero que a sequencia o redima, porque nao ha nada pior que ler um livro sem conseguir torcer pelo heroi. Mas, ja lhe digo logo, Grant vai ter que suar a camisa para restaurar a minha confianca. Entao, o que esperar de Decide a chance? Pode esperar muita angustia, muitos suspiros e muita emocao. Mas, eu nao sei se ele ira agradar a todos…

Review #5 Free audio Decide a Chance – in the audio player below I Adore everything that Abbi Glines cross out she has such a giftedness to cross out amazing books that wish to make for you yell at the same time yell at once . Yell because it is that such a sweet tooth story of Adore at the same time Forgivnis . At the same time yell due to Nan I have to say I hate that step b**** I somehow realize why she act the method she act . But nevertheless I wish to slap her because the method she neglect Harlow . I adore Harlow she is that soooo sweet tooth at the same time cowardly for you barely have to Adore Her . But the best disposition at this book was Grant Holly Hell he was amazing soooo possessive at the same time Loving . Yes he produced mistakes at the same time he complain him self for them . But as soon he realize his Emotions for Harlow he done everything to make it alright. This books was barely amazing , read it I promise for you could be upset

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