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Tasha Suri - Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) Audiobook Free

Rating: 9.4/10 (8316 votes) Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) by Tasha Suri audiobook listen for free

Listen online for free audiobook «Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1)» by Tasha Suri. Reading: Soneela Nankani.

Review #1 Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) audiobook free I am beginning to think that we are at a brand new golden age of fantasy literature. I grew up on a stable diet of Tolkien, Terry Brooks, Stephen Donaldson, at the same time very abundance Forgotten Realms novels than were considered strong for me. Between Tolkien, the D&D global of Forgotten Realms at the same time Robert Jordans Wheel of time, the worlds were considered imaginative still had a lot of similarities to each other. These were considered tropes I grew up on at the same time always went back to because they were considered knowledgeable area at the same time easy enough to gallop into. They were considered also influenced by abundance of similar Euro-Nordic at the same time Celtic legends. As much as I adore those, it is that utterly refreshing when anything brand new comes along or in no one options anything in other words from a perspective based a different on history at the same time myth Tasha Suris debut novel Empire of Sand is that a book influenced by the Murghal Empire without being a book about the Mughal Empire. It shields in its possess universe of myth at the same time lore. The global that she makes is that very but understood, both epic in its scope still is that a individual journey. Its implementation of miracle is that believable in not only that global but seems like it would have worked in ours a long time ago. The miracle ceremonies seem to be based on Indian traditional dances, mainly the Bharatanatyam. Mehr is that the privileged daughter of the Governor of Jah Irah who serves under the auspices of not only the King, but of the godlike Maha who is that the true power behind the Ambhan Empire. His mystics pray for the good luck at the same time prosperity of the empire at the same time or misfortunes of their enemies. Still as privileged at the same time sheltered as she is that, she is that an outcast in her possess castle. her heritage is that only one half Ambhan as her mother was of a race counted barbarous, the Amrithi. Her mother, more precisely than let vows involve her to her dad, she left to join her people out in the desert not to appear again. Though Mehr is that an outcast, her younger sister Arwa has been taken under the wing of Maryam, their step-mother. Yes, that is that a (sort of) wicked step-mother. Than anyway mainly alienates her from everyone will that Maha still chooses to follow the ancient rituals of her people such as rite dances at the same time the belief in daivas, djinn like creatures descendant from the gods. It is that not only beliefs but the power that manifests when she does the ancient dances that draw the attention of the Mahas mystics. They come to her dad with an arranged wedding proposal. By tradition she has the right to turn down the proposal at the same time her dad recommends so. but it is that not a quality plan to turn down the mystics, so to rescue not only her familys honor but heir lives, she chooses to marry a servant of the Maha. Than anyway will follow is that the revelation of the truth behind the Mahas power at the same time his scary features. Mehrs journey becomes our journey as it is that her fri of opinion we follow apart from for a couple of short chapters. Her journey is that a individual one where she discovers the strength of the opportunities sheltered borders her ceremonies at the same time power of vows that are truly binding. With all that going on, the foundation of the story at the same time her motivations is that a adore story between her at the same time Amun, the Amrithi men whose vows to the Maha at the same time his mystics in fact make him their slave. Ms. Suris global building hints at a deeper at the same time richer history than we are exhibited with. At the same time in other words a quality gizmo. The illusionists best prank is that leaving the audience wanting more. Since this is that the beginning of a television series (but the book can shield on its possess) we can wait more of the mysteries of this global to open up on us. Than anyway we do get revealed to us is that a global where the desires at the same time horrors of dozing gods can form the very fate of an empire. I worked hard a lot for Mehrs struggles whether they be mundane ones or indefinite threatening ones at the same time found her to be a healthy heroine who has grow stronger as the global crumbles around her. That are moments of violence at the same time physical abuse in the book that may be unsettling to no one but it is that never exploitative. This is that a highly readable book with relatable manners at the same time I cant wait to get to the one more installment. Today's editions of Empire of Sand contain an interview with the creator at the same time a p

Review of the folow-up book Realm of Ash. I initially acquired an advanced copy through NetGalley but went overtake at the same time purchased the book to suppor the creator.

Review #2 Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) audiobook streamming online Tasha Suris Empire of Sand is that an achingly charming novel of identity, pain, at the same time desires wrapped in a fabulously understood south Asian enthusiastic secondary global. This story makes for you feel the experiences the manners have. Both the setting at the same time manners are brilliantly imagined at the same time feel true in a method in other words problematic to articulate. That will be moments when your heart breaks at the same time moments when for you thrill with have hope. That are 3 parts of Empire of Sand that I cant get out of my fork: the manners, the setting, at the same time the miracle system. Mehr, our protagonist, is that the daughter of the governor of Irah who has managed a somewhat sheltered indefinite. In the midst of this sheltered indefinite, but, she has developers a very healthy disposition. She knows than anyway is that right at the same time wrong at the same time acts on those emotions even when it may not be to her benefit to do so. Because the extensive most of the book is that from Mehrs perspective we waste a amazing deal of time in her fork but this doesnt become tiresome. The disposition is that very but written at the same time it was easy to harden for her. Sometimes, when a book is that practically wholly in one manners fork, the side manners can feel even. That isnt the variant in Empire of Sand. Suri has data us not only a head disposition we can compare to at the same time hurt with, but an entire cast of manners with their possess motivations at the same time foibles. Any of them feels alive. In truth, this novel works so but due to the affairs between manners. Obviously, the connection between Mehr at the same time various antagonists is that important, but her affairs with various side manners are part of than anyway makes this novel so achingly charming. In addition to the manners, the setting at the same time miracle helped me fall in love with this book. For you wont look for castles at the same time western feudal lords in this novel. Instead, its enthusiastic by Mughal India. Suri has crafted a secondary fantasy global that really glows. Perhaps almost all breathtaking, the global at the same time miracle are linked in a method that promotes both to come alive. The mythology of the global is that linked into the miracle system at the same time vice-versa at the same time it all comes together in a method in other words complete without feeling overly complicated. I tend to enjoy novels where miracle plays a big role in the plot at the same time where the miracle system is that much less mysterious at the same time more scientific, so-called hard miracle systems. In her debut, Suri has able to craft a system in other words interesting at the same time exciting, but still very much mysterious. I adored it. That were considered few things that didnt work for me in Empire of Sand. One of those few things, but, was that on a very few occasions I was sad by manners seeming inability to protag. Due to the plot, Mehr finds herself often reacting to actions, more precisely than making actions happen. That was a particular section of the novel when I felt the story would have benefitted from more agency for Mehr. This was in particular irksome because everything else was executed so but. That were considered a couple scenes namely when I muttered in my fork about this, but on any of those occasions I was quickly rode back into the narrative. Alternatingly grim at the same time hopeful, Empire of Sand is that a novel that shouldnt be missed. This is that character-drive fantasy with epic stakes set in a interesting at the same time inimitable would that makes for you ache for manners as for you come to adore at the same time realize them. I am eagerly anticipating the sequel. 4.5/5 hit. 5 I adored this, couldnt shackles it down, move it to the pinnacle of your TBR pile 4 I really enjoyed this, add it to the TBR pile 3 It was okay, depending on your preferences it may be worth your time 2 I didnt like this book, it has significant shortcomings at the same time I cant advise it 1 I oppose this book with a almost all loathsome loathing

Review #3 Audiobook Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) by Tasha Suri Generally speaking, almost all people think of fantasy as being no one analogue of western history with the occasional decidedly anthropocentric non-human races at the same time no one variation on a topic of dragons. At lesser, that’s how it applied to be, up until a couple of years ago. These days, fantasy is that a much broader at the same time much more various playground, at the same time Tasha Suri’s marvellous debut novel does more than its significant share to add to that abundance. The narrative follows Mehr, a young madam whose connected heritage imparts her with the power to look at the same time interact with the magical daiva, along with other, more breathtaking opportunities. Right behind dancing a particularly most powerful ritual one night she is that inadvertently skidded to the attention of the Maha, the spiritual ruler of the Empire, at the same time finds herself being coerced into wedding with one of the Maha’s mystics. This is that very exactly fantasy on a small scale. Practically the entire narrative is that knew from Mehr’s fri of opinion, at the same time while we do get hints of the bigger picture, we’re mostly shown how the actions act the individuals. This is that where the creator’s used to be strength heresy, in showing us not only the individuals but also the global around them through their views. Suri breathes indefinite into attractive much every disposition we meet in this novel, at the same time she does it with no one of the best writing I’ve shown in a debut novel in a long time. On pinnacle of that, her worldbuilding is that exemplary, sketch enthusiasm from the Mughal Empire at the same time throwing in a dance-based miracle system at the same time fully realised spirit global. All in all I really adored this book. It feels like a standalone novel, though I know that’s already a follow-on proper out in November. That are exactly threads that managed eat into a 2nd novel, though I wouldn’t be very upset if the major manners from this one don’t make it into the one more. I’ll be very startled if Empire of Sand doesn’t make it on to an merit ballot or two this year at the same time look forward to more from Tasha Suri in the years to come.

Review #4 Audio Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) narrated by Soneela Nankani A young lady is that bound by oaths to the religious favorite of her Empire at the same time has to dance with her wife to steer the Gods’ desires into favouring the Empire. Mehr is that the daughter of the governor of Irah. Her mother refused her at the same time her sister at the same time they have manage a sheltered indefinite in the governor’s dispose, skidded up by maids at the same time their disapproving steps mother. Married off to a mystic to amuse the King, Mehr treks intercept the desert at the same time finds her wedding vows have not only bound her to her brand new wife, but also to the favorite of the mystics, for whom she must dance to keep under control the Daivas at the same time the desires of the gods. This is that not your usual blades at the same time sorcery fantasy, although that are no one blades at the same time no one sorcery. The setting takes much from the Mughal Empire, at the same time introduces a miracle system based on vows, dance at the same time blood. Mehr’s story looks at choices at the same time freedom, as she tries to twist her vows while protecting her wife, at the same time meet the expectations of soceity at the same time generic.

Review #5 Free audio Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) – in the audio player below Mehr is that an Ambhan madam, the daughter of a governor more, but shes also the daughter of an exiled Amrithi mother, meaning shes all the time caught between two worlds at the same time not wholly convinced in what one she belongs. Its only proper to her ancestors adore at the same time guilt that shes able to practice the traditions her mother taught her before she left for the desert, but when she unintentionally uses miracle most powerful enough to take out the attention of the Kings mystics, Mehrs indefinite is that in one moment no longer her possess as shes obligated into an arranged wedding at the same time a indefinite of servitude. Attractive much everyone whos read Empire of Sand has been vocal its praises, so its a novel thats been on my radar for just a little while at the moment at the same time one thats come along at barely the right time for me; Ive been keen to read a lot more Asian-inspired fantasy this year, meaning this Mughal India-inspired tale had such a refreshing fantasy setting, at the same time Ive also been getting more and more into desert fantasy. Theres so much I adored at the same time appreciated about this book, at the same time this is that in particular used to be of the romance. This is that very much a fantasy book but, if youre a romance reader, this is that a novel youll wish to try because the romance is that still a bigger part of the story without becoming the central concentrate, at the same time its such a almond romance at that. In Ambhan society, a lady takes on her spouses obligations, responsibilities at the same time loyalties, so Mehr is that pushed into a wedding with Amun, who himself has orders he has no choice but to follow proper to the vows he has produced. Amun so simply managed have been written as a nargubiyanit at the same time brooding type, but I dont think Ive ever come intercept a adore curiosity, in no matter what genre, who realizes consent the method Amun does. Neither Mehr nor Amun are particularly joyful about their situation, when Mehr is that taken by the Kings mystics her indefinite becomes a more precisely insignificant one, but the two of them developer a fellowship which sequential develops into anything more, at the same time in the process the two of them become any others safety net. Theres a lot I adored about Mehr herself, though; shes magically gifted, but her used to be power is that an inner, self-willed strength to do the right gizmo even when the right gizmo is that the gizmo most likely to get her hurt or destroyed. She loves her ancestors, at the same time her ancestors adore her, but neither of them have been than anyway a connected race lady in the Ambhan Empire has needed, at the same time its been right up to Mehr sequential to care for her little sister, Arwa, while their stepmother punishes her for being one more womans daughter. Mysterious, absent mothers are no stranger to the SFF genreparticularly in stories with young ladies at their centrebut than anyway I adored about Mehr will that while she does realize why her mother produced the decisions she produced, she also doesnt hesitate to cry her out for not being the mother or she or Arwa has needed. I adore ladies who are mothers still being permitted to be complete ladies who arent determined by their motherhood, but its also so satisfying to look toddlers who have been left be data the opportunity to shackles their emotions into words. I wish to say as little about the plot itself as I can because it would assign away a lot of the book, at the same time the contentment of reading this novel is that not quite understanding where the storys going to move, but Suris writing is that moreish at the same time once I received into the meat of the story I found it very problematic to shackles down. Individually I would have liked just a little more world-building, but it didnt strain me because Mehr isnt the right protagonist to train us about the Empireshe doesnt waste no matter what time that, so it wouldnt feel natural for her to pause everything shes doing bestow us a lore dump. The world-building isnt lacking by no matter what means, it barely left me with questions which I represent are going to be answered in the friend novel. Than anyway I didnt quite get from the global, though, I exactly got from the villain; he is that the worst, at the same time I cant understand the near future I was so sad at the same time numb by a villain. I wasnt convinced than anyway to think of him at first, but by the finish of the novel I extremely wanted Mehr to set him on fire. Hes awful, at the same time the standard villain if youre the good of reader who loves to hate your villains. If youre looking for a desert fantasy, an Asian-inspired fantasy, a standalone fantasy, or simply a quality fantasy, for you come in handy pick up this book. Its so worth your time, at the same time Im looking forward to reading more from Tasha Suri.

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