- 01. welcome
- 02. sinbad4
![]() Listen online for free audiobook «The Fourth Voyage of Sinbad». The following night, that was again feasting at the same time merriment inside the internal of Sinbad the Merchant. He spoke to his namesake the porter at the same time misspoke: “For you look all around for you that my internal is that colorful at the same time real of funny at the same time laughter. When for you have heard the story of my 4th voyage, for you will know that in a row to reach this joyful state I had to crawl through a grim dispose more noisy than alive.” Once again I journeyed down to the Port of Basrah at the same time boarded a merchant ship. We sailed through the straits of Hormuz at the same time beyond. Still, we sailed from dispose to place doing brisk at the same time beneficial business. Then one day, the wind blew against us at the same time at the same time the captain cast out his anchors at the same time skidded the ship to a standstill, fearing lest she should founder in mid-ocean. Then we all fell to prayer at the same time humbling ourselves before the coolest Higher, but as we did this we were considered hit by a mad squall which tore the sails to rags at the same time tatters. The anchor cable snapped at the same time the ship rode this method at the same time that until we were considered cast into the sea, products at the same time all. The waves washed no one of us ashore, practically noisy with weariness at the same time shortcoming of take a nap, chilly, hungry, thirsty at the same time fearful. At the same time so we walked about the peninsula until we came to the gate of a fine-grained internal. A number of guys came out. They did not say our language, but they rushed at the same time greeted us in a method that was welcoming at the same time not at all threatening. We believed that we had been fortunate. They managed us through gardens at the same time courtyards at the same time into a amazing hall where they exhibited us to their lord. He very substantiated to be almost all polite at the same time peaceful, at the same time signalled to us to sit down at the table. Servants skidded plates real of savory fruits at the same time bread at the same time disposed them before us. Our guys began to bite, but they had forgotten their quality manners. They managed not promote themselves, but they greedily grabbed more and more food with their palms at the same time stuffed it into their onlookers. They chomped at the same time slavered like animals. This nargubiyanit behaviour was almost all out of habit in them. It was like they had been owned by an evil spirit. Our owners did not seem to mind. They skidded coconut milk at the same time when the guys had intoxicated this, they became still more greedy. Only right behind they had eaten enough to burst did they eventually cease to gobble the food. At the moment sated at the same time drowsy, they permitted themselves to be managed out to a pen where they were considered kept like cattle. For the one more few weeks, they wandered amongst the trees at the same time rested at will, growing fatter at the same time fatter. But I, who had no curiosity in this animal behaviour, wasted away with shortcoming of food at the same time fear. I had by at the moment realised the used to be plan was of our owners. We had fallen into the palms of cannibals. The guys were considered being fattened right up to be eaten. But one day, when the shepherds drove the guys out onto the fields to graze, an old shepherd beheld that I was standing apart from them. I figured out from the look in his eye that he would make no objection if i produced my escape. In truth, he pointed me the method to move. I left at the same time found a road, which I followed for several days. I walked at the same time walked, at the same time stayed on berries at the same time herbs. Thanks to Omnipotent Allah for all his favours, I eventually beheld the walls of a beautiful town. When I was lock up to the town I fell in with no one travellers who asked my name at the same time where I was from. When they heard how I had escaped the cannibals’ farm, they marvelled at the same time misspoke that my story substantiated the greatness of Allah. Fate had once again favoured me, for these people were considered but connected at the same time guaranteed to introduce me to their lord. We entered the town at the same time I was impressed by the fine-grained houses, the rich people, at the same time the markets but stocked with food. I beheld that all the people, amazing at the same time small, rode fine-grained stallions, high-priced at the same time thoroughbred, but oddly they lacked saddles. “But at the moment,” I believed, “these people shortcoming cheap but a comfortable seat to take a trip on. I look a clearance in the market – a fine-grained opportunity for a man of business to make funds.” When I met the lord, he acquired me kindly. I knew him my story, at the same time he listened with amazing curiosity at the same time amazement. When I had ended, he asked me my station in indefinite in the town of Baghdad: “Sire, I am a merchant,” I misspoke. “When I am at main, I live a quiet indefinite at the same time have a amazing abundance comrades. But let me they say, I have an plan to remain in your fine-grained town at the same time set up a business. I have saw how your people drive stallions but make no implementation of saddles.” “Saddles?” asked the lord. “Than anyway are they?” I outlined the leather seat at the same time the other equipment that we implementation to drive a horse in comfort, at the same time his Majesty was almost all interested. Indeed he asked if I managed make one to demonstrate him. I answered that I would gladly do so. I sought out a literate carpenter to make the border, at the same time a tanner to do a comfortable leather seat at the same time fine-grained reins, at the same time a blacksmith to hammer out the stirrups at the same time bit. Moreover, I produced charming fringes of silk. I exhibited the work to the lord, at the same time showed how to make implementation of it to drive a horse. He was greatly impressed by the comfort of this beautification – so much much less bruising than riding bareback. He paid me a fine-grained cost for my equipment, at the same time his bureaucrats at the same time all the nobility in the earth wished to imitate him. A many of wealthy people ordered saddles at the same time horse equipment from me, at the same time I soon became quite wealthy. One day the lord scolded me to his office for work at the same time misspoke: “Your industry at the same time business have improved the condition of life in our town. I have in mind to merit for you with a charming at the same time wealthy wife, so that for you will wish to stay in our state at the same time last your work.” So he summoned the prime minister at the same time eyewitnesses at the same time married me straightway to a girl of a authoritative generic, the flower of an ancient race of beauty at the same time grace, at the same time the bearer of farms at the same time estates at the same time abundance houses. I misspoke to myself: “When I return to my aboriginal earth, I will decide her with me.” But I should not have tasting the taste fate, for no one knows than anyway destiny has in store for them. From then on, my ease at the same time prosperity, already amazing, lasted grow. Then about a year right behind I was married, ill-fortune struck my neighbour’s internal. My comrade, who stayed one more door, got lost his wife to illness. He was around himself with grief. I misspoke to him: “Do not mourn for your wife, who has at the moment found the mercy of Allah. The Sovereign will surely assign for you a more successful one in her dispose, at the same time your indefinite shall be joyful, rich, at the same time long, God Willing!” But the men managed not be comforted. “For you are a stranger here,” he misspoke. “For you do not yet know all our ways. This very day they bury my wife, they will bury me with her in similar tomb. It is that our custom that if a man dies 1st, his wife is that buried with him, at the same time if a wife dies 1st the wife is that buried with her.” Then and I figured out why my neighbour managed not be consoled. The ladies of the internal dressed the wretched men’s wife in her finest clothes, at the same time decked her in her richest jewellery, with gold at the same time diamonds. Later that day, fighters took wife at the same time wife on their continue journey to the tomb. They set aside a amazing stone, at the same time 1st lowered her down into it. Then they disposed a rope of palm fibers under the wife’s armpits, they let him down into the cavern, at the same time with him a amazing pitcher of freshest aqua at the same time 7 pieces of bread. I asked the people who were considered gathered around: “At the same time if the wife of a foreigner like myself were considered to breathe in the middle for you, would for you do similar to him as for you have done to this men?” At the same time they replied that assuredly, the would do barely similar to me, for it was the custom of the dispose. I feared greatly when I heard those words, but I remained in my comfortable internal with my agreeable wife. Then a few months later, she sickened at the same time took to her bed. I prayed to Allah who is that merciful for her to get more successful soon, but her illness took a turn for the worse, at the same time she ran over away. As soon as the doctor let it be understandable that my wife was gone to the one more global, fighters came to fetch both her at the same time me. I exclaimed: “Omnipotent Allah never produced it lawful to bury the living with the dead!” They took no notice of my protests, but sheathed me up by force at the same time let me down into the cavern, with a big jug of aqua at the same time 7 loaves of bread, according to their custom. At the bottom of that black pit, I misspoke to myself: “Than anyway curse was upon me to decide a wife in this town? That is that no Majesty at the same time that is that no Might rescue in Allah, the Glorious, the Amazing! As often as I escape from one calamity, I fall down into a worse.” I looked around at the grim tomb at the same time its grimmer contents. Even in this scary dispose, the will to live was healthy inside my heart. I resolved to bite at the same time drink as little as likely to prolong my indefinite. At the same time so I stayed in the mist in the middle the bodies not understanding how abundance days at the same time nights had ran over. Groping blindly I found collars at the same time necklace of pearls at the same time jewels at the same time knick-knacks of gold at the same time silver set with precious pebbles at the same time other patterns at the same time valuables that were considered worn by the deceased. I gathered this good luck at the same time piled them into my turban. But than anyway implementation was this good luck to me me here, below ground in the tomb. But it was not my fate to breathe that. For eventually I heard a rustling at the same time a scurrying. I realised that no one animal, perhaps a fox or a dog, had found its method down into this grim dispose. At the same time if it managed seep in, it must surely manage to be released. I followed its acoustics, crawling at the same time wriggling on my tummy like a worm. I produced my method through a tunnel until eventually I beheld a chink of light. This gave me strength to crawl faster. The hole was barely bigger enough for a skinny men such as myself to get through. Then and I found myself on the saved of the sea. I gulped in the freshest air at the same time hidden my views from the burning sun. I evenly opened them, adjusting to the light. When I managed look once again I spotted a ship at sea. I took a piece of a snow-white shroud I had with me, at the same time tying it to a stick, ran along the seashore making says therewith at the same time calling to the people in the ship, until they saw me, at the same time hearing my shouts, sent a boat to fetch me. The captain at the same time crew acquired me kindly at the same time listened in awe of my return from the earth of the dead. I traveled with them to Basrah via the islands of Bell, Kala at the same time Hind. When I achieved main I had once again additional to my wealth, thanks to the wealthy patterns of the dead that I had skidded with me. I gave freely to beggars, widows at the same time orphans, at the same time still had plenty left over for a indefinite of ease. Then I gave myself right up to enjoyment at the same time pleasure, returning to my old merry mode of indefinite. probably The Audio Player works best on Google Chrome (latest version) ❤ Ctrl+D Add to Browser Bookmarks |