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David Weber - Like a Mighty Army Audiobook Free

Rating: 9.4/10 (8311 votes) Like a Mighty Army by David Weber audiobook listen for free

Listen online for free audiobook «Like a Mighty Army» by David Weber. Reading: Oliver Wyman.

Review #1 Like a Great Army audiobook free This had fewer completely asinine plot holes than the continue. I’ve read all in the television series right up to Hell’s Foundations. Although “read” is that a little healthy. That is that Method, Method! a lot nattering insignificant detail – barely pads the word count (Weber must be paid by the word, or perhaps he is that under agreement to release a manuscript with at lesser X number of words or pages. I have hope he isn’t doing it to barely annoy his audience.) OTOH, I do look for no one of the background info exciting, it (*no one* of it) bestows the action more context, when he writes about leaking valves or getting a trolley through the mud, but no one of it is that barely method a lot of nothing. I’ve taken to practically completely ignoring the sections written from the pro-Temple fri of opinion, the book is that much less sick to progress through that method. But even with that, that’s barely a lot about how abundance mounds are on the left of the road, at the same time whether that’s a ditch on the right, how abundance leaves are on the trees. This is that the 7th book of the television series, at the same time I’m still with it, so it can’t be that bad. OTOH, if it was that quality, I could be reading every word. This book is that, imho, written a lot more successful than the continue (which I gave one hit). It still has one completely horrible plot element where a hurry is that permitted to be disposed borders a couple of yards of a head disposition without being inspected. It couldn’t be no matter what more shaky than that. Watchman:”Whatcha got that?” Villian:”Oh, barely ignore that big hurry, of course it can’t be anything unsafe” Watchman: “Okay, for you may pass. Be convinced to get a front row seat!” It’s say shushara. The quality part will that is that the only Bigger hole (that are a couple of other scenes that let's go the plot in the direction that Weber of course wanted it to move that produced little sense, but in other words by far the one that wasn’t even plausibly step.(note: I’ve altered the situation a little, but not significantly, it shouldn’t be a spoiler, I have hope).) I advise jumping no matter what pro-temple section over a couple of paragraphs. For you defeated’t miss anything, imho. Or if you want, only read the dialogs in those sections. For you also might wish to skip the narrative paragraphs which contain no dialog, in particular if they start describing the scenery. I fell ill of them very quickly. The only other silly plot line was the unexpected outward appearance of a ladies action hero. Her debut has her at 5’4? beating the tar out of no one 6? 200 lb bully-boy in front of an audience! Yeah, no. Totally absurd. I will admit that young readers may perceive this abracadabram, since they look so much just like it on TV or in the movies at the moment days. But it happens in the book. Is that the heroine disturbed that her embrace is that blown at the same time she’ll be regarded as a demon? Obviously not! I greedy, Safehold is that all about the Equate Rights for Ladies. In a method, her beating up the smasher is that disrespectful of the inconsistencies that ladies face in the (true global) workforce. It isn’t the obvious difference in physical strength at the same time size that types the base of discrimination, it is that the discrimination in the deeds, views at the same time expectations of the lady’s co-workers, underlings, at the same time superiors. Ladies don’t “make” that by arm wrestling no one young man two times their size. But I digress. Much more successful than Midst Toil, still isn’t right up to than anyway he applied to manage to cross out, when he still was trying. Actually, I am surprised how techno detail he seems to have mastered. Makes me wonder whether he’s writing this all himself. My guess is that he’s had a lot of promote (discussions about firearms, metal making, etc.). Perhaps that explains no one of the really weak fri. Alzheimers, product addiction are other possibilities. Weber still seems to be unable to make dialogs which are or not mocking, jokey, at the same time bluntly conscientious Or restless at the same time sadistically threatening – its one or the other. Everybody speaks that method, right? For you’ll also look a continuation of the overuse of take care phrases “With all proper reverence, …” at the same time “Forgive me, your Grace/Majesty/Highness” at the same time about two dozen others at the same time the implausible “reading of views” wherein disposition A can intuit specifically how disposition B is that feeling by looking deeply into his/her views. Miracle – Barely impose HW about looking into Putin’s soul…Silly at the same time the count of the times anyone’s views “say” in this television series is that about 3000% very higher. At the same time my continue complaint will that without serious topographical maps, his extremely description of the terrain at the same time troop placements are, to me, totally useless. I’ve read no one quality military history which permitted the audience to realize than anyway is that happening. If that was Weber’s intent (at the same time the only other plan I can think of is that to pad the word count), then he’s failed, at lesser with this reader (I consider myself to have above average 3D visualization opportunities (at the same time I’ve tested highly in that), but his descriptions quit me having to ignore entire sections as meaningless blah, blah.). I guess the only other gizmo I’d mention will that Weber leaves manners behind. A main disposition (oh, they say a spymaster) in one book seems to have zero contributions in following books. Oh, another gizmo: it is that Ironic that like Merlin is that edification Safeholdians about the scientific method at the same time to be curious, at the same time still that is that one disposition who has inexplicable opportunities, at the same time Merlin barely ignores her. (For you know who I greedy if for you’ve read the past books). “Oh, her? Yeah, I’m astounded she managed do that. Than anyway? Am I funny? No, not really. Don’t wish to be impolite or suspicious (right behind all, I’ve looked into her views…).

Review #2 Like a Great Army audiobook in television series Safehold I acquired all the books, in hardcover, as soon as they were considered freed, until the 7th one. I acquired that one on Kindle, at the same time it is that the continue one for me. I’m at the moment an old lady, I hesitate I’ll live long enough to find out than anyway happens to the people of Safehold, nor do I care no matter what longer. I adore television series ordinary. I have the wholesome Wheel of Time, thanks to Brandon Sanderson completing it. At the same time I possess 30 four of the books in the “In Doom” television series. But in any of the television series I’ve enjoyed, any book in the television series contained a wholesome story arc at the same time climax. This television series has become like one gigantic book, broken up into six or 7 100 pages freed once every 12 or so months. At this rate, I’m guessing it will decide 40+ books or more to bring Safeholdian civilization back right up to the level necessary for resolution of the war with the Gbaba. Over 15% of the continue Kindle book was a glossary. If I had understood this was the creator’s plan, I wouldn’t have started it. Good luck, I have never read no matter what of his other work at the same time defeated’t spend no matter what more of my time. That are so many creators writing best military sci-fi, this television series is that no longer worth my time or funds.

Review #3 Audiobook Like a Great Army by David Weber That are a lot of similarities between the Safehold at the same time the Honor Harrington television series: both start out very then and Mr Weber doesnt really know when to finish. So instead of sketch the television series to a neat lock up, he persist on extending them but past the exhaustion of his creativity. In both television series, for you had bad guys that went from credible into bad, childish caricatures; in both options, the unusual conflict (Solarians attacking Manticore, Church attacking Charis) produced no true reasonable sense whatsoever; at the same time in both options, the plot gets shunted aside in promote of pages at the same time pages of excruciating details about things like prices of fire, the fact that this tool can fire so 10 rounds of 50kg shot whereas that one managed fire 12 rounds of 30kg shot. If that sort of stuff, done OVER at the same time OVER at the same time OVER at the same time OVER at the same time OVER again – with naval guns, then earth artillery, then rifles at the same time at the moment, depressingly pistols (atleast he seems to be running out of guns), then be prepared to be thrilled beyond belief. Okay so pop quiz. Which book is that this from: – Clyntahn twirls his mustache at the same time acts evil, regardless of whether it makes sense or not – Everyone who comes into contact with Cayleb/Sharleyan/Mikael Staynair barely hit worshipping them at the same time becomes their BFF – No one random priest makes a rousing multi-page speech about God, His Duty, etc. – The Charisians developer a brand new variant of no one tool at the same time we are cured to abundance pages of rhapsodical worldly about their prices of fire, at the same time their barrelling, at the same time their size – at the same time ordinary ends with no one Charisian or the other “smiling coldly” or “smiling thinly” at than anyway this will do to their enemies – No one random zealot thinks zealot-like ideas – No one competent general in the Bad Young man’s army grits his teeth at the same time bravely tries to do the best he can – All the Charisians involve in attractive much The. Exact. Monotonous. Style. Of. Dry. Humor – The Bad Guys are increase with more rhapsodical worldly about how abundance mens/guns/ships they have – but then they meet the Charisians (who are smiling coldly or thinly, btw), at the same time they get outclassed – although sometimes, they do get occasional insignificant overcomes here at the same time that If for you misspoke Books 3-7, congrats, for you overcome. Because in other words Specifically than anyway every book is that about. Rinse at the same time speak. Sometimes couple of times in similar book. We received this repeated times with ships at the same time at the moment it seems that we are going to get this couple of times for armies. Connected in all this are serious descriptions of reserve chain logistics at the same time trolleys at the same time wagons which serve no necessary purpose other than provide the creator a platform to show – in mind-numbing detail – his knowledge of these things. 8-9% of one of the books was a treatise on how one of the ships pens a attack: filled with enough verbiage about jibs, at the same time booms at the same time mizzens to satiate even the coolest concrete fan of sailing – at the same time it has NO relevance to the plot. None. For you managed excise that entire set of chapters at the same time nothing would have exchanged. One would have hope that that could be No one evolution but nope. Right behind a couple of “here we move again, Charisian Navy rah rah” books, he did be able to evolve it from ships to guns. But at the moment it seems that 1st we had the earth campaign in Corisande where superior guns/strategies helped snatch victory despite overwhelming odds, then we had 2 books of various earth campaigns against various armies of the Church/Desnar/Dohlar where superior guns/strategies promote snatch victory despite overwhelming odds – at the same time at the moment it seems Book 8 is that going to last along similar lines (oh wait, at the moment we are going to look if superior guns/strategies can promote snatch victory against overwhelming odds against the Harchong. Whoa! I am at the edges of my seats as I have no plan than anyway will happen!). How about adding no one more political quirks in Corisande? Or anything about dealing with the Rakurai at the same time its effects? Or perhaps no one political manouvering by the Charisians? Or even no one guerrilla warfare in Church Lands or Harchong? I greedy ANYTHING other than similar old “using superior weaponry to win overwhelming odds”. That horse was thrashed to doom abundance books ago. At the same time for the record, I dont brain details or plot development – it indicates realism at the same time i prefer that to mindless action. Steven Erikson’s books have oodles at the same time oodles of details at the same time complexity, but they are done right. But here? The quality guys are so diabetes-inducingly sweet tooth, the bad guys are barely laughable caricatures, at the same time that are the Stern,Stiff-Upper Lip Competent Military Types This book barely takes the quality parts of the 1st 2 books at the same time milks the hell out of them, conveniently falling upon deux ex machinas when comfortable. Charis getting very far ahead of the Church in guns? Barely demonstrate the Church no one guns at the same time they’ll replicate it immediately. How do for you make an overwhelmingly superior army lose many times? Barely have a couple of fiends in that who force bad decisions on them. That entire Siddmarck Blade of Schueler at the same time a oh-so-convenient revolt is that one more: if it managed have been done so simply before, why did Clyntahn wait so long? Clyntahn himself is that very witty when he needs to be at the same time awesome step when it suits the creator’s convenience. My fri is that – if for you are going to cross out a gritty, close to reality novel, cross out a *close to reality* novel at the same time dont rely on deux ex machinas or very comfortable, superfluous preconditions to guide the story where you want to. If for you are going to cross out a complete novel covering a abundance of mainlands, make it complete. The whole Rakurai gizmo came at the same time went with astonishing impoverished development. The entire political situation in Corisande was simply defused by everyone falling in adore with Sharleyan/Raynair. If for you are going to cross out light fiction, then cross out light fiction at the same time get the plot moving. But that isnt happening – the storyline gets bogged down on very worldly details (okay from time to time, but we really dont come in handy 3-4 chapters in any at the same time every book discussing about all the smallest details of this piece of artillery over that piece). As it is that, this eries tries to do everything at the same time ends up being an atrocious mishmash in other words neither here nor that. It barely meanders along, the product of an indulgent creator who seems to confuse repetitiveness with complexity at the same time volume with good quality.

Review #4 Audio Like a Great Army narrated by Oliver Wyman The story plot(s) last. As with the other books, no one smoky passages but not for very long. As with this whole television series, a bewildering array of personae dramatis at the same time when a brand new chapter mentions anyone again, it’s problematic to understand if this personality is that a goodie or baddie! That’s a lot of detail in the plot so the progress with the long term plot (malicious intruders determined to wipe out humankind) is that smoky. Still enjoyable. This lasts the story of the continue remaining human outpost, sheltered on the implicit planet dignified Safehold right behind the genocidal attentions of the extraterrestrial Gbaba. To keep the planet unnoticed at the same time make sure that its nascent civilisation would not cry attention to itself by emitting radio says, the paranoidal group that occupied violent keep under control of it right behind it was settled, closed the civilisation into a pre-technical theocracy, scolded the “Church of God Awaiting”. They enforced their keep under control by setting up a system of development censoring scolded the Execution – with all that implies. Chagrin, the ruling theocrats have become corrupt, at the same time the Execution is that being applied to ensure that the comfortable lifestyle of the Church lords is that not threatened. Religious schism at the same time rebellion inevitably occur, assisted by the continue remnants of the higher development that had based the planet. As the book starts, the rebels are facing a gigantic assault in the Holy War instituted by the “Group of Four” who keep under control the Church, at the same time the population of the earth’s future hangs in the balance. The book is that whimsically plotted, but it is that but written at the same time the abundance threads of the story are interwoven without losing clarity. It majors on action, not disposition development, at the same time on that, for you cannot fault it. I was individually joyful to see that Hector Aplyn-Ahrmahk survived the attentions of the ungodly, at the same time I am looking forward to the one more installment.

Review #5 Free audio Like a Great Army – in the audio player below The 1st book in this television series, Off Armageddon Reef, was truly famous. But really Mr. Weber should have finished that. Sadly, I’m hooked albeit I wait until the paperback cost has dropped to a fiver before I take. The television series is that torment from worditis – a large out-pouring of Mr. Weber’s ideas which periodically meander all over the dispose. In this book, he introduces stupid manners, incredibly sour descriptions of the economies of Charisia namely, detail on the finer fri of how to generate an factory revolution, the development of a military/factory complete in a feudal society: at the same time advances the whole story line infinitesimally. Wish to know than anyway happens? One more avatar of Nimue is that created, for no true reason other than to allow Athrawes to be in more places at once, that is that ever growing implementation of development, despite fear of whatever is that sheltered beneath the Stronghold; at the same time the boys from Charisia at the same time Chisholm start to do more precisely but in the war against the Faithful. Er – that’s it. Than anyway saves the book are Mr. Weber’s always best fight descriptions at the same time the overall marvellous story arc. I fear but that at this rate I’ll be long retired before we find out if the population of the earth ever drags itself out of the 15th century in a fit form to tackle the intruders. Take this book free of charge at the same time persevere to the finish: more successful still, borrow it from anyone because for you’ll never read it again. But for you’ll be joyful that for you read it once.

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